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PX Team

Founding Team PX

Founder and Product Head : Amit Das

Amit Das is an Tech entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the field of RFID Technology, Real Estate, Digital Marketing and Media industry. He is the Founder and CEO of PurposX a leading real estate technology platform that is revolutionizing the way people buy, sell, and rent properties.

With a deep understanding of the real estate market and a passion for technology, Amit founded PurposX to bridge the gap between buyers, sellers, and funding partner. His vision is to create a transparent and efficient real estate ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.

PurposX offers a range of innovative solutions, including an AI-powered property search engine, a Map based search property viewing platform, and a real-time pricing analytics tool.

Prior to founding PurposX , Amit Das worked as Co-Founder and Product Development at Media on Wheels, where he gained valuable experience in Product Development, Media technology and Marketing. Also Founded and Invested in several startups ProCap Fractional investment platform for real estate investors and Fresh Cut Meat and Fish delivery Platform

He holds a degree in MBA Marketing Reputed university from Delhi

If you’re interested in learning more about PurposX or have any questions, feel free to connect with Amit Kr Das on LinkedIn or send him a message. He’d be happy to chat!

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